PACT 2024October 13–16, 2024


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Time What
08:00 Tutorial: QVT: The Quantum Visualization Toolkit
12:00 Lunch (provided)
13:30 Workshop: The 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Software Hardware Co-Design (MLS/H)
18:00 Reception and Posters

Monday, October 14, 2024

Time What
08:00 Opening
08:30 Keynote: Saman Amarasinghe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
09:30 Break
10:00 Session 1: Machine Learning (4 papers)
  • GraNNDis: Fast Distributed Graph Neural Network Training Framework for Multi-Server Clusters
    Jaeyong Song, Hongsun Jang, Hunseong Lim, Jaewon Jung (Seoul National University); Youngsok Kim (Yonsei University); Jinho Lee (Seoul National University)
  • Activation Sequence Caching: High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Generative Inference with a Single GPU
    Sowoong Kim, Eunyeong Sim (UNIST); Youngsam Shin, YeonGon Cho (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology); Woongki Baek (UNIST)
  • Improving Throughput-oriented LLM Inference with CPU Computations
    Daon Park, Bernhard Egger (Seoul National University)
  • BOOM: Use your Desktop to Accurately Predict the Performance of Large Deep Neural Networks
    Qidong Su (University of Toronto / Vector Institute / CentML); Jiacheng Yang (University of Toronto / Vector Institute); Gennady Pekhimenko (University of Toronto / Vector Institute / CentML)
12:00 Lunch (provided)
13:30 Session 2: Architecture and Application Co-design (3 papers)
  • Demystifying Distributed Optimization Algorithms on a Real-World Processing-In-Memory Architecture
    Steve Rhyner, Haocong Luo (ETH Zurich); Juan Gomez Luna (NVIDIA); Mohammad Sadrosadati (ETH Zurich); Jiawei Jiang (Wuhan University); Ataberk Olgun, Harshita Gupta (ETH Zurich); Ce Zhang (University of Chicago); Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich & Stanford University)
  • ZeD: A Generalized Accelerator for Variably Sparse Matrix Computations in ML
    Pranav Dangi, Zhenyu Bai, Rohan Juneja, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Tulika Mitra (National University of Singapore)
  • A Parallel Hash Table for Streaming Applications
    Magnus Östgren, Ioannis Sourdis (Chalmers University of Technology)
15:00 Break
15:30 Session 3: Parallelism (3 papers)
  • Leveraging Difference Recurrence Relations for High-Performance GPU Genome Alignment
    Alberto Zeni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Seth Onken (NVIDIA Corporation); Marco D. Santambrogio (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Mehrzad Samadi (NVIDIA Corporation)
  • ACE: Efficient GPU Kernel Concurrency for Input-Dependent Irregular Computational Graphs
    Sankeerth Durvasula, Junan Zhao, Raymond Kiguru, Yushi Guan, Zhonghan Chen, Nandita Vijaykumar (University of Toronto)
  • Optimizing Tensor Computation Graphs with Equality Saturation and Monte Carlo Tree Search
    Jakob Hartmann, Guoliang He, Eiko Yoneki (University of Cambridge)
17:30 Business Meeting

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Time What
08:30 Keynote: Andreas Moshovos, University of Toronto
09:30 Break
10:00 Session 4: Compilers (4 papers)
  • A Transducers-based Programming Framework for Efficient Data Transformation
    Tri Nguyen, Michela Becchi (North Carolina State University)
  • MIREncoder: Multi-modal IR-based Pretrained Embeddings for Performance Optimizations
    Akash Dutta, Ali Jannesari (Iowa State University)
  • Parallel Loop Locality Analysis for Symbolic Thread Counts
    Fangzhou Liu, Yifan Zhu, Shaotong Sun, Chen Ding, Wesley Smith, Kaave Hosseini (University of Rochester
  • PipeGen: Automated Transformation of a Single-Core Pipeline into a Multicore Pipeline for a Given Memory Consistency Model
    An Qi Zhang (University of Utah) , Andrés Goens (University of Amsterdam), Nicolai Oswald (Nvidia), Tobias Grosser (University of Cambridge), Daniel Sorin (Duke University), Vijay Nagarajan (University of Utah)
12:00 Lunch (provided)
13:30 Session 5: Security (4 papers)
  • Defensive ML: Adversarial Machine Learning as a Practical Architectural Defense for Side Channels
    Hyoungwook Nam (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Raghavendra Pradyumna Pothukuchi (Yale University); Bo Li, Nam Sung Kim (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Josep Torrellas (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
  • Toast: A Heterogeneous Memory Management System
    Maurice Bailleu (Huawei Research); Dimitrios Stavrakakis (TU Munich / The University of Edinburgh); Rodrigo Rocha (Huawei Research); Soham Chakraborty (TU Delft); Deepak Garg (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)); Pramod Bhatotia (TU Munich / The University of Edinburgh)
  • BoostCom: Towards Efficient Universal Fully Homomorphic Encryption by Boosting the Word-wise Comparisons
    Ardhi Wiratama Baskara Yudha, Jiaqi Xue, Qian Lou (University of Central Florida); Huiyang Zhou (North Carolina State University); Yan Solihin (University of Central Florida)
  • SZKP: A Scalable Accelerator Architecture for Zero-Knowledge Proofs
    Alhad Daftardar, Brandon Reagen, Siddharth Garg (New York University)
15:30 Break
16:00 Session 6: Quantum & Neuromorphic (3 papers)
  • Recompiling QAOA Circuits on Various Rotational Directions
    Enhyeok Jang, Dongho Ha, Seungwoo Choi, Youngmin Kim, Jaewon Kwon, Yongju Lee, Sungwoo Ahn, Hyungseok Kim, Won Woo Ro (Yonsei University)
  • Faster and More Reliable Quantum SWAPs via Native Gates
    Pranav Gokhale, Teague Tomesh (Infleqtion); Martin Suchara (Microsoft); Fred Chong (University of Chicago)
  • NavCim: Comprehensive Design Space Exploration for Analog Computing-in-Memory Architectures
    Juseong Park, Boseok Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology); Hyojin Sung (Seoul National University)
17:30 Break
18:00 Conference dinner

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Time What Where
08:00 Session 7: Memory (3 papers)
  • MORSE: Memory Overwrite Time Guided Soft Writes to Improve ReRAM Energy and Endurance
    Devesh Singh (University of Maryland, College Park); Donald Yeung (University of Maryland)
  • Trimma: Trimming Metadata Storage and Latency for Hybrid Memory Systems
    Yiwei Li, Boyu Tian, Mingyu Gao (Tsinghua University)
  • Chimera: Leveraging Hybrid Offsets for Efficient Data Prefetching
    Shuiyi He, Zicong Wang, Xuan Tang, Qiyao Sun, Dezun Dong (National University of Defense Technology)
09:30 Break
10:00 SRC poster winners presentations
11:00 Session 8: Address Translation, Coherence, and Communication (3 papers)
  • Rethinking Page Table Structure for Fast Address Translation in GPUs: A Fixed-Size Hashed Page Table
    Sungbin Jang, Junhyeok Park, Osang Kwon, Yongho Lee, Seokin Hong (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Mozart: Taming Taxes and Composing Accelerators with Shared-Memory
    Vignesh Suresh, Bakshree Mishra, Ying Jing, Zeran Zhu, Naiyin Jin, Charles Block (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Paolo Mantovani, Davide Giri, Joseph Zuckerman, Luca P. Carloni (Columbia University); Sarita Adve (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • vSPACE: Supporting Parallel Network Packet Processing in Virtualized Environments through Dynamic Core Management
    Gyeongseo Park, Minho Kim (DGIST); Ki-Dong Kang (DGIST/ETRI); Yunhyeong Jeon, Sungju Kim, Hyosang Kim (DGIST); Daehoon Kim (Yonsei University)
12:30 Closing

Important Dates and Deadlines

Conference Papers:

  • Abstract submission deadline: Mar 22, 2024
    Extended to March 25, 2024
  • Paper submission deadline: Mar 27, 2024
    Extended to April 1, 2024
  • Rebuttal period: Jun 3-9, 2024
  • Author notification: Jul 1, 2024
  • Artifact submission: Jul 8, 2024
  • Camera ready papers: Aug 24, 2024


  • Abstract Registration Deadline: August 15, 2024
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: August 18, 2024

Conference: October 13–16, 2024




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